We have had more frequent reports of GPS issues and runs ending early recently. This problem is often due to aggressive battery optimisation features on various devices.
Battery optimisation features can extend the battery life of your phone, however they can also cause a number of problems with apps, including Zombies, Run!, Zombies, Run! 5K trainer, and The Walk. These problems include:
- Crashes or episodes ending early
- Runs not being tracked properly
- Apps not running when the phone screen is switched off
We have put together a list of the most frequently affected devices and the instructions for bypassing the battery optimisation to make sure that our apps can run as smoothly as possible. If you are experiencing one of the listed problems frequently, and have already followed basic troubleshooting steps such as making sure that you are running the latest version of the app, then we'd recommend following the battery optimisation steps for your device, which can be found here: Battery Optimisation
If you are still having trouble after that, please get in touch with us at support@zombiesrungame.com
Because there are many different types of phones running Android, we are not able to test with every device. If your device is not listed in this section, please try to find a similar setting on your own phone.
If you want more information about Battery Optimisation issues on your phone, we recommend checking out Don't Kill My App.