Before you subscribe you will be able to see three default Interval Training workouts. Once you have a subscription you will gain the ability to edit existing workouts and create your own workouts.
Subscribing does not unlock additional Interval Training missions. It's normal to not see any more than the original three workouts after purchase.
Editing Existing Workouts
To do this, tap the 'Edit' button at the top of the screen to switch to edit mode. Then tap on an existing workout to be taken to a new screen where you can add and remove activities, change the length of time of the activities, or rearrange them.
Creating New Workouts
In edit mode, scroll to the bottom of the page and tap 'Create a new workout'. You can then add activities using the 'Add an activity' button. Once you've finished, name your custom workout!
Deleting Workouts
Tap on the red circular button to the left of each workout to delete. You'll need to confirm you want to delete by then tapping on the large delete button which appears.
When you're finished editing tap on the 'Done' button and your changes will be saved.
If you have any problems with Interval Training mode then please get in touch with customer support here