OK, so you've followed our troubleshooting steps, searched the rest of the support forum, and you're still having problems? Never fear! Our customer support team is on hand to help you with your problem.
All you need to do is email support@zrx.app with your bug report, or click "Submit A Request" at the top of this page, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible to resolve your issue.
To help us solve your problem as quickly as possible:
- Be as clear as possible about the problem you're having. Tell us:
- What were you trying to do when you encountered the problem? e.g.: "Trying to play Zombies, Run! mission 1."
- What actions did you take? e.g.: "Opened the app, tapped Zombies, Run!, selected Season 1 mission 1, selected a playlist, pressed 'start mission'."
- What happened when you did this? e.g.: "The app crashed immediately and returned me to the phone's home screen."
- Tell us your device and operating system:
- What device are you playing Zombies, Run! on? e.g.: "iPhone 13"
- What operating system are you using? e.g.: "iOS 16.6"
- Which version of Zombies, Run! are you using? e.g.: "11.2.0"
- Confirm that you have tried the steps listed in the Troubleshooting Article, and have checked the rest of the support forum for advice. If you have tried any other steps listed in our support forum, please let us know so that we don't ask you to do them again!