Zombies, Run! has become really important to us and to our community, which means that some of you want to use the Zombies, Run! 'universe' and the things around it to do interesting things. That is something we are flattered about and happy with - but….
…… we don't want you to go too far and do things that make the community think that what you are doing is actually something that comes from us or that we endorse it.
When that happens fans buy things thinking they are official when they are not and that means we can't control quality etc - which reduces the value of the work we have done and the trust that our community have in what we do.
We want you to carry on doing the interesting stuff that you do and so these Guidelines are intended to help everyone understand what we consider to be fair and unfair use of our “Brand” and these “Guidelines” are intended to give some clarity on what you can do without having to contact us - and what you mustn’t do or else we may get upset and unleash the zombie hoardes on you (or get some lawyers to contact you – which is much the same thing).
These Guidelines cover the use of the Zombies, Run! Brand. For these purposes, therefore when we refer to the Zombies, Run! Brand what we mean is the name “Zombies, Run!” (and any confusingly similar name) and the related logos, distinctive characteristics and storyline.
If something isn’t covered by these Guidelines that probably means we don’t want you to do it, so please don’t do it without getting permission from us. You can contact us at zombies at sixtostart.com. If something is specifically covered and permitted by these Guidelines and our Zombies, Run! EULA then you don’t need to contact us.
Please also check back here from time to time because we will update these guidelines and provide further guidance.
Zombies, Run! Essentials
The first thing to say is that these are the following Zombies, Run! Essentials that apply to all use of the Zombies, Run! Brand. So, if you are allowed to use any part of the Zombies, Run! Brand then you and what you are doing MUST:
- NOT make people think that you or what your are doing is official or approved, endorsed or associated with us;
- NOT be unlawful, deceptive, obscene, harmful or disparaging;
- Not promote any racist, sexist, sizeism, ageism, homophobia or discrimination against the disabled or against any religion, nor bully, intimidate or otherwise deliberately upset anyone;
- NOT adversely affect the Zombies, Run! Brand;
- NOT include anything else around it that makes people think that you or what you are doing is official; approved or endorsed by us; or associated or connected with us;
- NOT promote the kind of unfettered laissez-faire free-market capitalism that means the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and probably led to the whole zombie apocalypse in the first place;
- comply with the Zombies, Run! EULA;
- sufficiently differentiate the use of the Zombies, Run! Brand from any other branding; and
- include the following statement in a prominent location:
“This product / service is not official and is not approved or endorsed by nor associated or connected with Six To Start Limited or Naomi Alderman. ZOMBIES, RUN! belongs to Six To Start Limited and Naomi Alderman. Visit www.zombiesrungame.com”.
What you can do
Non-Commercial Things
If you want to use the Zombies, Run! Brand in the title of or as part of a product that you distribute or service that you provide (even if it is for free) then you have to:
- follow the Zombies, Run! Essentials;
- do so in a way that honestly and fairly describes those things or the purpose of them; ensure that the name Zombies, Run! (or any confusingly similar name) is not the first word or dominant part of the name;
- not use any other aspect of the Zombies, Run! Brand as part of any related branding, including as or as part of any logo; and
- not include any advertising in or around that product or service.
This applies especially if you want to set up and run blogs, servers, community forums, fan sites, fan clubs, fan comics, fan fiction, news groups, podcasts, events and gatherings. In connection with these things the following examples should help:
“The Universe – A Zombies, Run! Podcast” (fine)
“Zombies, Run! – Survival Guide App” (not fine)
“Zombie, Runners! – Survival Guide App" (not fine)
Commercial Things:
We don’t want people doing commercial things with the Zombies, Run! Brand in or as the main name or title of commercial things unless they are approved by us.
If you want to do commercial things please contact us as explained above.
You may not make any other commercial use of the Zombies, Run! Brand for example you may not sell any merchandise that uses the Zombies, Run! Brand or any elements of Zombies, Run!
If you don’t follow these Guidelines we can tell you to (and you may have to) stop using the Zombies, Run! Brand.
Allowing you to use our Zombies, Run! Brand in this way does not give you any rights of ownership and you agree that any and all rights in any modification, adaptation or derivatives of the Zombies, Run! Brand will belong to us (Six To Start Limited and Naomi Alderman).