Note: The Zombies, Run! subscription was previously known as "Abel Runner's Club" or "Pro Membership" subscription
Yes! Zombies, Run! and VIP subscriptions can be used across Android and iPhone.
To make this work, you will need a ZRX account. If you don't have one, you can create one by going to More > ZRX Account in the app, or via the web at
You'll then need to:
- Make sure that the apps on both Android and iPhone are updated to the latest version
- Log in to your ZRX account in the app on the platform that you originally subscribed on
- Go to More > ZRX Account
- Tap "Synchronise"
- Open More > ZRX Account on your new phone
- Ensure you're logged into the same ZRX account as before
You'll now be able to use that subscription in ZRX, The Walk, and Zombies, Run! 5K Training on both iPhone and Android - just log in to ZRX inside each app!